Can I download my routes?

Download your routes

With the new version of the KOMOBI app, you can download your routes.

Two ways to download:

Download all the routes recorded on the same day:

  1. Go to the route recording screen.

  2. Tap on the symbolImagen5-Oct-02-2023-04-46-08-4153-PM

  3. Choose the format you prefer.


Download a specific route:

  1. Go to the route recording screen.

  2. Tap on the route you want to download.

  3. Tap on the icon Imagen5-Oct-02-2023-04-46-08-4153-PM and choose the format you prefer.


When you download your route, a file in the selected format will be generated and sent to the email associated with your device.

You can refer to the article to learn the difference between GPX and KML formats and to find out which apps can open these files.